Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Early Childhood Education Kindergarten Reflection Essay

Kindergarten Reflection Entering my kindergarten teaching experience in the last quarter of school year I had to quickly become familiar with kindergarten content standards and the school’s curriculum. To do this I observed my mentor teachers instructional time with the children and gained as much information as I could about the children’s educational standing by developing a professional relationship with the my mentor teacher and the children. I learned that the majority of my kindergarten children had not previously attended preschool and that this was their first year of school. I found that interacting with the children in social activities provided me with great insight to their literacy, math, science, and social studies†¦show more content†¦In observing my mentor teachers classroom management strategies I quickly learned that communicating teacher expectations for the children’s behavior and guideline or rules for active participation in lesson planned activities was i mportant to cover. In my lead teaching I did much of the same except I struggled to follow through with the consequences established for breaking rules. I learned that I must follow through with consequences I set for children, no exceptions or else I will lose the children’s trust and respect for what I say. My goal in managing the class was to keep the children focused on their learning tasks and preventing problems before they transpire. Effective approaches as to how the children can solve their own problems in the future were also emphasized in my classroom management. It is essential for â€Å"teachers to set clear limits regarding unacceptable behaviors and enforce these limits with explanations in a climate of mutual respect and caring. Teachers attend to the children consistently, not principally when they are engaging in problematic behaviors. Class meetings and group discussions are often used to talk about and set rules together.† (Bredekamp and Copple, p. 228) In all, I felt I was always aware of the children needs and concerns and made myself available by keeping my back toward the wall, scanning the class when working oneShow MoreRelatedThe Early Childhood Education Essay1728 Words   |  7 PagesKindergartens with the early childhood education society Aotearoa is a country that is bi-cultural yet multi-cultural. In the early childhood education sector there is a growing focus on diversity and achieving equality. 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