Saturday, March 14, 2020

the logic behind the assertion essays

the logic behind the assertion essays In Martin Luther King Jr.s Letter from Birmingham City Jail, he argues the commonly believed assumption that activating our rights as human beings precipitates violence. Even though these actions may be nonviolent, those individuals who have tried to bring about the truth have been condemned because their quests were believed to be a disturbance among society. The logic behind this allegation is in some way reasonable. Those who condemn the rebellions urge society to be respectful due to the necessity of keeping law and order. If society revolts against the traditional orders, then it is believed that chaos will occur. Even though the actions are peaceful, society is urged not to participate in these efforts. Government is afraid that these actions will lead society into even more harmful activities, such as war. They are even willing to go against our basic constitutional rights in order to halt the events before they develop into violent attacks. Within Kings Letter, he backs up his argument by providing prime examples of innocent, non-violent occurrences. He disproves this assertion by showing how those condemned are innocent people who tried to bring about the truth. In his first example about a robbed man, King reveals that the man should be condemned because he, having money, caused the violence to occur. This statement cannot be true because the man did not cause the robber to steal his money. It is the robbers fault that this incident occurred because of his immorality. The robber should be punished as opposed to the man, who was just holding onto his possessions. Another key example of Kings is Jesus dedication and attachment to his God-driven will. King describes that Jesus harmless devotion to God should not and would not be the cause of his crucifixion. He was purely following Gods way and le ...

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